5 Types Of Content

5 Types Of Content

I am Mariya Georgieva, and I am an entrepreneur and business coach. I gained my professional experience in Bulgaria, USA, UK and Iceland. My diverse experience as a political analyzer, a TV screenplay writer, social media strategist, business manager and developer in different businesses, corporations and hotels in 4 countries gave me a rich and diverse knowledge how to develop companies from zero to 9 figures. Nowadays I am developing my businesses, and I am Ambassador Lead and consultant for an ambition educational blockchain that is aiming to change the educational system in all the world towards easier intercountry certification and better connection between students, universities and corporations.
In my business coaching practise, I am helping hundreds of entrepreneurs to start, develop and empower their businesses in a better, easier and systematical way.
I aim to show these ambitions people who want to leave their 9 to 5 job and create their assets, business and live the life of their dreams that everything is possible with the right mindset, systems and sales plan. I am supporting people that want to have more time for their kids, family, hobbies or travel around the world. I truly believe that people need to work smart, not hard and enjoy their own life.
I am actively travelling around the world and enjoying the things I love. I have experienced a 48-hours day in my life while I crossed the Equator and The Day TimeLine. I stepped in the Arctic circle, and I was between two continental plates in one moment. I went to Bali, Phuket, Bora Bora, Hawaii and 10 Caribbean islands. Amazing exotic islands that everyone should visit. I saw impressive cities like Dubai, Singapore, New York, San Francisco, London, Paris and many more. I have learned more about history from Ancient Greece, magnificent Ancient Rome, Ephesus, which is nowadays in Turkey and the ancient city of Teotihuacan, Mexico. I was snowmobiling, hiking around volcanoes and taking the energy of the powerful waterfalls. For the first time, I hear my heartbeat in the total calmness around nature, and I was alive.
That’s why many of you know me as the founder and host of World Travel Addiction Facebook group with more than 1000000 members in our travel society.

Why should you focus on online businesses? What are the benefits of it? Why I chose an online business? Why do I support other entrepreneurs to go online?

  • First, why you should limit yourself in a local business, or a country business when we have this amazing time in front of us? – We are leaving in the Information Ages. We could be everywhere and make it International without any efforts. So why you should limit your sky?

  • Second, online business is allowing you to make money while you are travelling. I wanted to travel more, so I realized that I need to make money while I am travelling. I wanted to explore more and have all my time to do it.

  • Third, it is easily manageable. Your business should be easily manageable from everywhere in the world. Online business is your opportunity. You need only Wi-Fi and a laptop to manage it.

  • Fourth, you don’t need to be stuck for your job location or working all the time stuck on the work dest. With an online business, you can live how you dream of and work from the beach of the exotic island or amazing mountain cottage.

  • Fifth, you can easily build your work around your life, not the opposite way.



Nowadays, Social Media is the real game-changer. Corporations, brands, entrepreneurs or different people are using social media to connect with other people, societies, audiences and customers as never before. They can build strong relationships which are affecting in more followers, community members, sales and growth of many companies. The statistics show that more than half of the customers in the world are deciding what to buy serving thought social media.

Facebook is a major social media platform. Facebook groups are the space and the tool to build a strong society and relationship around your product, service, brand or interest.

The content is one of the keys for building and growing an engaging Facebook group with 100000 members.

I would recommend you to create Content Plan for some time in advance – a week, month or even three months in advance. It will map your next steps, and you will be confident what to post, how and when. The biggest secret around the Content Plan is that it will work if you supported with Growth Plan, Engagement Plan and Monetization Plan. Then you will leverage the success of the Group, and it will be profitable for your business.


Important: Create a Content plan that supports your Sales plan, your Growth Plan, Engagement Plan or the primary aim of the Group.

There are 5 types of content which are essential for the Content Plan in your Social Media Strategy.


Personal/Company content – These are posts that present you, your interest, your brand, your story, your product or service. This type of content aims to connect the customers with you, your brand, product or services emotionally. It will give them the feeling that they know you. The biggest secret is that people first need to know you to create a deeper relationship with your brand.

Motivational content – These are inspirational posts. They could be your thoughts, success stories, your personal success story, achievements, prizes, popular quotes of famous people or motivational success in your niche. They aim to create desire and inspiration to your members of the Group.

Expert content – This is the content that is positioning you as an expert. That is a content which is the most significant for your business, so make it more connected with your product, service or with the problems that your product or service is solving. It is really important content because members of your Group need to know that the quality of the product or service is based on your expertise and knowledge, and it will help them.

Engaging content– You can post questions, polls or ask people to engage on some topic or ask them to post pictures or videos. All these engaging posts are building a relationship and helping to increase the Facebook algorithm, so there significant post that is helping you to build a strong relationship and to connect with your audience. If you combine the Engaging Content with Engagement Plan, you will maximalize the results from both.
Sales content– You can directly promote your product or service. Sales content is increasing your leads in your sales funnel, or it is a call-to-action that could be valuable for your business (collect emails for email marketing, increase the followers in different social media platforms, increasing leads to your website and many more).

TIP: You can combine more than one type of content in one post, and it will give even better results.

So now you know the secret 5 types of content you need to use in your Facebook group Strategy to grow your audience to 100000 members and support your online business. It is your job to implement it and support your audience with valuable content. It is up to you to show them that an investment in you or your brand, your product or service is an investment for them and it is what they need.

Thank you for reading the 5 Type Of Content for Facebook groups E-Book.

I hope that it was helpful for you and it will empower your business. If you would like more help starting and building a profitable online business that can

replace your 9-5 job, check out the content in my Facebook group Business Addiction or ask for our Build Your Online Business Course.

But I am not going to leave you here. We can stay in touch and continue our support on your way of success in our new Facebook business community for all entrepreneurs and business addicts at https://www.facebook.com/groups/businessaddiction

You can also connect with me here:





You can also join our highly engaged Facebook society World Travel Addiction here:


Thank you for the time to read my E-Book! Thank you for letting me be your mentor on your way to success!

Follow your dreams, succeed and enjoy your life!


Mariya Georgieva




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